Support our crowd funding campaign to expand our winery!
We have launched a crowd-funding project to help expand the capacity of our winery and in return there are varieties of goodies available for you as a supporter of the project.
The project is being run through the website and it allow us 30 days for funds to be raised so that we can extend the winery before vintage next year.
One of the challenges of being a small, family owned and run operation is being able to budget and self-fund for growth.
We have seen that there is demand for the wines and a need to increase production, as we have sold out of Sangiovese and will sell out of Riesling. The crowd-funding project will allow you to help fund the project, give you access to an exclusive wine and events and allow us to expand the winery before next vintage.
In line with guidelines, there are a set number of days to raise all the funds or the project receives nothing. If the allotted budget ($21,635) isn’t raised before 12 November, all pledges are cancelled and the project will not be funded.
We have traditionally retained 20 per cent of the crop for our own label, this has been steadily increasing with a plan to retain up to 50 per cent of the crop in 2015.
We were excited to open our cellar door last year, the 2013 Riesling received the trophy for best Riesling of Show at the Small Winemakers Wine Show and we were awarded the visitor experience award at the regional tourism awards. Now we need to make sure we have enough space to make the wines!
To learn more about the plans, the project page is here;